End the cycle of people pleasing so you can deepen your relationships. 

Sign me up!

Does this sound familiar?



And you know that to be engaged in your relationships, you need to stop feeling so stressed out all the time. But there’s a problem...


You don’t feel like you have any control.

 If you're like people pleasers and perfectionists, you're struggling to figure out how to feel like you're worthy enough to actually have deep, fulfilling relationships.

Let's face’re stuck in this mental cycle of constantly trying to prove yourself to others and never quite feeling worthy enough to have what you want.

At this point, you may be thinking:

"There's got to be a better way."

🙌🏼 A way to stop caring so much about what others think about you.

🙌🏼 A way to reconnect with who you are and not be so lost in work, kids, relationships, household, etc…

🙌🏼 A way to see a path forward to long-lasting, authentic relationships

I've got good news for you:

There is a way to feel in control again.



Imagine what it’ll feel like when:

🏅 You stop going above and beyond for your friends, only to feel like no one would ever do the same for you

🧋 You have enough confidence to speak your truth without fear of making anyone uncomfortable.

👯‍♀️ You spend your time with people you care about, and you don’t question their feelings for you because you trust that they love and respect you.

💖 You no longer feel guilty or selfish for taking care of yourself. 

😍 You know exactly what you want out of life, and you’re able to put focus and energy toward your dream life every single day.

Yes, it's actually possible.

To go from:

Trying to fit yourself into the box of who you “should” be.


Knowing exactly who you are, what you want in life, and believing that you will get it.

To go from:

Asking yourself, “Did I offend anyone today? Did I say the right things? Does so-and-so hate me”


To instead asking, “How do I feel about the choices I made and things I said today?”

To go from:

Feeling like a victim with no control or power over your own life.


Fully taking back control and engaging in life in a way that feels empowering. 




Hey there! I'm Kaylin.

I help people pleasers and perfectionists build self-confidence so they can focus on deep, fulfilling relationships.

I’ve been there- working 4 jobs at a time (one unpaid!) just to make ends meet. I realized at one point that I was working so hard to reach my goals that I couldn't actually enjoy the fruits of my labor- because I had to work! 

I knew there had to be a better way. 

Maybe you have a similar story… you get so lost in putting energy toward the one thing you think matters, that you forgot about taking time to just enjoy yourself... you forget about what actually matters to you.

My mission in life is to teach high achievers like yourself that you can reach your goals without getting totally lost in the process. 


Success story!



"Being mindful of my own behavior and meeting my needs first has helped me establish better relationships. Creating a self care routine that was easy to implement into my life, just doing one small thing a day, has affected my mood in a positive way as well.

I am so excited to introduce...

The most efficient path to transform your mental habits and 
confidently take back control of your life


Let's take a look at the process 


Self Awareness

You can't change anything that you aren't aware of. Because of that fact, we start with self awareness so that you can get to know yourself on a deeper level. 

What we'll do:

  • Discover what your core values are and how they shape who you are

  • Get real about your victim mindset and mental habits

  • Take responsibility for giving away your power

  • Understand the limiting beliefs underneath your behaviors, and replace those beliefs with truths


Self Compassion

Once you know who you are, you have to forgive yourself for ever trying to be someone else. You will challenge yourself here to speak and think with a little (or a lot) more kindness. 

What we'll do:

  • Break down the 3 component parts of self compassion so that you can understand how to treat yourself like a friend

  • Learn the power of your language and how to empower yourself by using the right words

  • Real life experiments to test out new mental and lifestyle habits


Self Acceptance

Self Acceptance is exactly what it sounds like- once you pave a path of compassion, it's time to focus on accepting who you really are- weaknesses, imperfection, and all.

What we'll do:

  • Create more realistic expectations of yourself and others so that you can stop feeling so disappointed.
  • Learn how to take better care of yourself (without the guilt!)
  • Set a plan for real self care (and yes that can include spa days, but its much more).


Self Expression

This is where it all comes together and you get to take back control in real life!

What we'll do:

  • Set loving boundaries with the people in your life (the scripts come in handy here!)

  • Maintain a positive mindset with affirmations and self-praise.

  • Learn how to say “No” to things that aren’t in alignment with your true self

  • Get real about your needs and expectations in your relationships

Another successful student! 

Felicia says:

 "I love the activity of reflecting on accomplishments and then bragging about them. Bragging is such a taboo thing and as a people pleaser, it’s definitely something I learned NOT to do. It was liberating to proclaim how great I was! I’m learning that me liking myself doesn’t take anything away from others. It doesn’t have to be a competition! So important to understand the difference between nice and kind. As someone who enjoys ‘getting things done’ and accomplishing, I loved that the lessons were so short. It felt satisfying and manageable to see how easily I could move through the modules. Every one felt like a ‘win.’"

Check out what's inside:

When you join REclaim, you get immediate access to:

  • 4 Modules that will guide you along the steps toward changing your mindset and REclaiming your life so that you don’t get overwhelmed by getting ahead of yourself
  • Short video (under 7 minutes) lessons so that you can watch in your free time and celebrate small wins along the way
  • Worksheets and journal prompts that will guide you through the thought processes so that you don’t get distracted or lost along the way.
  • Guided meditations so that you can get a calm and relaxed headspace instead of trying to make change from a place of overwhelm.
  • Real life experiments to try on your new way of being so that you don’t over commit.
  • A private community to share your experience with so that you don’t feel alone.

Plus get these amazing bonuses! 

Bonus # 1

Hypnotic Meditations

$800 Value

No more trying to override your thoughts to change your mindset. 

No more forcing yourself to sit still and meditation when you can’t relax.

This is why I’m granting you exclusive access to my secret weapon meditation style- hypnotic meditations use language that speak directly to your unconscious mind, skipping over the ego and conscious mind. 

These meditations are designed to help you relax quickly and work efficiently to start changing your mindset.

Bonus #2

Boundary Setting Scripts

$250 value

Newsflash: When you start taking control of your life, you will have to have some difficult conversations. 

Setting boundaries is one of those conversations- but it doesn’t have to be so hard.

Especially not when you know exactly what to say. These proven scripts will help you in setting the right boundaries with people in a way that makes both of you feel loved and supported.

I want in!

Success Story ⤾

 "Being aware it's okay for my values to change over time. Feel like I know myself and my boundaries better. Implemented all the steps you gave, some days easier to do than others but I know it's a process to release the fear and live my life for me."

- Megan 

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Single investment


You really have nothing to lose.

I’m passionate about helping you feel calm and confident with who you are and want to make it as easy as possible for you to enthusiastically say “Yes!” to enjoying your life again.

Enter the “REclaim my life” Guarantee

Take 45 days to work through the modules and videos, complete the workbooks, journaling, etc…, and get your questions answered in the private community. Apply everything you’ve learned to REclaim your time, your life, and your sense of self.

If, after that, you don’t feel like you’re taking control of your life, I’ll insist on refunding your payment in full. Simply email [email protected] with your completed work and refund request.


🙋🏼‍♀️ You're a high achiever reaching for big dreams, but you don’t want to lose focus of what's really important to you.

🥹 You've been trying to keep it all together, but you're still exhausted and overwhelmed.

🌴 You're motivated to get yourself into a more positive mindset  because you know it will mean you can enjoy your life before it’s too late.

🪞 You're willing to sit down and do the inner work, look at yourself with a truthful lens.


"Being mindful of my own behavior and meeting my needs first has helped me establish better relationships. Creating a self care routine that was easy to implement into my life, just doing one small thing a day, has affected my mood in a positive way as well."



"[The journal prompts] had me really thinking about things that have happened that my brain has shut out. It had me diving deep into my consciousness."

- Sabrina

I want results like this!!!!

Let's get started! 

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for 5 months


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Single investment



If you've been paying attention, you already know the biggest difference between feeling like a lost victim of your own life and being empowered and in control all comes down to…

Your mental habits.

(aka your mindset!)

So, let’s wrap up with a bit of real talk.

  • If you’re a high achieving goal getter who’s struggling to turn your brain off and live your life outside of work, REclaim is for you.
  • If you're no longer willing to exist as just a shell of who you know you truly are, REclaim is for you.
  • If you’re confused by all the conflicting information about your mindset and it’s keeping you from taking real action, REclaim is for you.
  • If you want to reach your goals AND enjoy your life in the process without burning out, REclaim is for you.
  • If you value your time, energy, and health- and refuse to sacrifice one for another, REclaim is for you.